AskPCExperts Affiliate Program

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Affiliate FAQ's
What is LinkShare?
LinkShare is a solution provider that tracks, distributes, and hosts the AskPCExperts Affiliate Marketing program. All affiliates join our program through LinkShare, and use the LinkShare software to download links and reports. An internal AskPCExperts Affiliate Manager maintains the relationships with our affiliates, and optimizes the performance, presence, and integrity of all aspects of the affiliate program.
What will being a Pure Networks affiliate do for me?
First, you earn commissions by working like a distributor of the industry-leading online PC tech support, AskPCExperts. You will also build your credibility by helping your customers, friends and family get rid of all PC woes and worries. All through a very affordable, remotely managed tech support coverage that is there 24/7.
How do can I maximize the commissions I earn?
This program is really what you make of it. The more visible you place the commissionable links, the more money you will make for yourself. You know your site best so we do not put restrictions on where the AskPCExperts links must be located1. However, the best conversion rates are seen when there is a AskPCExperts banner ad present and associated copy with a text link embedded into the copy. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you use the text links/banner ads along side personalized text that address the needs of the people you recommend AskPCExperts to.
Why do I have to join "Link Share" in order to become a AskPCExperts Affiliate?
AskPCExperts has partnered up with Link Share in order to provide you with an accurate, complete and secure affiliate experience. They are the leading provider of affiliate networks and we set up our program with them so that you, the affiliate, can have the best program possible. Link Share is able to provide you with precise and up-to-date reporting, that is trusted by thousands of affiliates like yourself. Also, Link Share works as an independent third party, there to assist you with any issues that potentially could arise. All reports are updated daily and you are able to access information such as:

  • Viewing impressions, click-throughs', sales, and commissions
  • Determine your most successful selling time: you can pin-point months, weeks, days, and even hours where your sales peak!
  • Identify your most effective links and compare link performance based upon type or placement.
  • View all activity around sales including time and date of each sale.
  • Track the customer's orders referred by your site, including total sales, cancellations and returns.
Are there specified locations I have to put the AskPCExperts logo/links or can I put it wherever I want? Unless otherwise noted in a specific affiliate offer you can place the link wherever you deem appropriate. However, placing the link on your highest traffic pages will help you maximize your sales from this program. The easier it is for your customers to find the link, the faster you will start making sales! We offer a wide range of links and banners so there should always be one to fit any needs of your site. If you can't quite find what you are looking for, let us know! We are here to help you increase your revenue. When you make sales, we both win.
What do I do if one of my links stops working? Am I penalized for this?
If one of your AskPCExperts affiliate links stops working, it is up to you to report it to the Link Share network. (You can contact them at Also, you can send a message to your AskPCExperts affiliate manager and make them aware of the situation.
Does it cost anything to become an affiliate?
No! Signing up for a Link Share account and subsequently becoming a AskPCExperts affiliate is a completely free process.
Can an international website become an affiliate?
Of course, though all sales must be made through the U.S. AskPCExperts site.
Can I participate in other affiliate programs?
Yes. There are no legal restrictions to your participation in other programs. HOWEVER, the more prominently you display AskPCExperts, the more aggressively you will earn the big commissions from us. We do offer a high commission structure, so be sure you don't drown AskPCExperts links out by other offers. Also, if we find/believe that you are running a link farm or a "commission" farm your participation in our program might be terminated.
How often do I get paid?
AskPCExperts will pay you on a monthly basis for every prior month. Ideally the system of having any low payment thresholds is discouraged. This is so as normally affiliates may set up their own thresholds as foreign currency exchanges are costly below a certain amount. Please see our Affiliate Agreement for detailed payment term information. Please know that certain restrictions related to return of sales/cancellations do exist and you will be subject to these policies.
Will I know who signs up for AskPCExperts through my site?
No. To protect AskPCExperts customer privacy, the names or other personal information about specific customers is not provided to affiliates.
Where do I find my commissions, sales, and other reporting needs?
By logging into your private and secure Link Share account you will be able to access all of this information. If you experience any troubles with this either contact your AskPCExperts affiliate manager or email

Some promotional exceptions may apply. Please see full LinkShare contract for complete details.

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